If you consider yourself any sort of foodie, trying new foods is probably something you enjoy.
Over the years, I have certainly tried lots of new foods. I have also given foods that I had previously discounted another try. Whether my tastes changed or I didn’t give the foods an honest try to start with, I now love some foods I avoided in the past. I was also raised on a very limited “meat and potatoes” menu that left out so many foods.
We were excited to have a poke bowl place open near us. I have ordered several of the curated bowls on the menu, which are delicious. Hubby wanted to try a drink and ordered a mango smoothie with mango popping boba. Really good! I will have to try a boba tea at some point.

We have been eating sushi for years. It seems that many people either really like sushi or don’t even want to try it. Once Hubby and I both decided to try it, we have been enjoying it ever since.

Sweet potato fries were a staple in one of our favorite restaurants. I have been enjoying them ever since, both at home and about every time I see them on a menu when we are dining out. As a result, I rediscovered sweet potatoes in general, after only having them covered with marshmallows on Thanksgiving. Plain, cooked and chopped sweet potatoes have found their way into my lunch salads and bowls.

For many years I was an avowed bell pepper hater. This came from only trying the green, unripe variety. While I still won’t eat green peppers, I now eat the sweeter, much tastier ripe varieties all the time.

We waited too long to try avocado, and I do not know why. We started with guacamole and now have at least one avocado in the house at all times. They are essential in Tex-Mex bowls, enchiladas, and some of our favorite weekend breakfasts.

I kept seeing delicata squash recipes on the internet and decided to try one. I love their sweet, mild texture.
And, Finally

I love fruit, but didn’t eat blueberries until a few years ago. They are a favorite of hubby’s, but I wasn’t a fan. I think I probably tried a few very tart ones in the past. I finally gave a few hand-picked sweet and juicy blueberries an honest try and I have been eating them ever since.
Currently, I am intrigued by kimchi, and I am always willing to try new fruits and vegetables. The challenge is buying a whole container of an ingredient we may or may not like. I find restaurant meals are a good place to experiment with new foods and flavors. This is a great way to try something new, and you just might love it. 🙂