One of my simple pleasures in the summer is walking out to the deck as I am making dinner and collecting some fresh herbs. I have always enjoyed using herbs in cooking; fresh or dried. But you really can’t beat fresh.
They do so well in pots as long they have plenty of sun and enough water. I used to have them in our small vegetable garden along with the tomatoes and peppers. But as summer wore on they got overwhelmed and covered by the ever-expanding tomato plants. They do much better in their own little pots.
Last fall some of the herbs still looked beautiful even as the vegetables and flowers had long since been cleared out. The basil was long done but the parsley, rosemary, thyme and oregano were still going strong. Husband decided to bring them in the house. I was skeptical of how they would do indoors; but it was worth a shot to have fresh herbs in the middle of the Minnesota winter.
They did pretty well and it was a delight to have fresh herbs all winter. By spring the thyme and rosemary were starting to look like they needed the outdoors and sunshine but they were very much alive. Once they were back out on the deck and got repotted with some fresh soil they really started to thrive again.

The Thai basil was a new addition to herb pot garden this year and I am definitely a fan. Delicious with Asian inspired dishes. Described as having a licorice flavor; which means I shouldn’t like it! But I think it adds a nice spice to savory dishes.

Thai basil sesame cashew chicken; crazy good!
As the weather gets cold the herbs will be coming back into the house again. I’m excited to see how they do this year.