Happy Sunday!
Middle of August. NFL preseason football is in full swing. I can’t keep up with my garden produce. Soaking in the summer weather. I do like this time of year. 🙂
While I never, ever, wish away summer, I do love football and pizza season.
My week was highlighted by a successful blood donation. I have given many times throughout my life but not recently until this past week. The past few years I have been hesitant as I didn’t react well after my last donation. Nothing terribly serious, but I got extremely lightheaded.
Husband and I have been hearing of the severe blood shortage. He gave blood a couple of weeks ago and had an extremely positive experience. I decided to give it another try. The need is great. Plus, I have to admit that learning for certain I have developed COVID antibodies after being vaccinated is a bonus. The Red Cross tests for antibodies in the course of the screenings that are done on all donated blood.
Before my appointment, I drank lots of water (I always drink lots of water) and made sure to eat a good lunch. I also took a walk instead of a run to avoid any dehydration issues. It worked! I felt great during and after my donation. My antibodies test should be on the app soon.
I will definitely be donating again in the future!
What caught my eye this week
I love cooling down after a workout with a yoga video. Kassandra is awesome, and her foster kittens are a bonus. Adorable!!!
Walking is such great exercise.
Actors portraying their parents in their younger years.
Filler words and why we just don’t need them. Food for thought.
Self-defense of flight attendants. You can’t make this stuff up.

Have a glorious weekend!
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