My recipe management has come a long way from the days of stacks of cookbooks with handwritten notes and clipped recipes shoved into a drawer. As someone who loves to cook, try new recipes, and more often than not, edit recipes to make them my own; I appreciate an organized approach. While I am extremely fond of my cookbooks I wanted a better way to organize my recipes.
We started with Yummy Soup; a recipe program available for Mac. While I was extremely pleased with it over time the program was no longer being updated.
Paprika Recipe Manager has been everything I want. A wonderful tool to store all my recipes so I can easily find, use and adjust to suit my needs.
The program is incredibly easy to use. Husband introduced the app to his mom who loved all things food, cooking and recipes. She absolutely loved Paprika for storing her beloved recipes and downloading new ones she found online.
The Paprika recipe app is available on Apple iOS and Mac as well as Android and Windows. I love having all my recipes on both my iPhone and Mac laptop!
Features I love:
Import from the web: Find a recipe online and with a few clicks the recipe is downloaded into Paprika.
Sync between devices: Make changes on your mobile device and the cloud syncs the changes on laptop.
Categories: Organize recipes into categories including custom categories that make sense for you. For instance I have a muffins category. I also have a sub category under desserts called small batch desserts.
Adjust ingredients: Nearly every recipe I save gets adjustments; such as more or less of some ingredients as well as substitute based on my tastes and style of cooking. As I try recipes I can easily adjust not only ingredients but also instructions and cooking times.
Scale serving: I often scale down large recipes since I most often cook for just the two of us. Alternatively you can easily double recipes for more servings.
Pin recipes: When I am planning my weekly menu and grocery shopping I pin recipes for easy access when I need them.
Search by recipe name or by ingredient: Say you want to serve broccoli for dinner. This makes it easy to find all recipes containing broccoli.
Interactive features: I like the ability to cross off ingredients as I am making a recipe. It helps me know where I am as I sometimes am using multiple recipes while I make dinner.
Photos: Ability to add your own photos
Other features:
Menu Planning: While I do plan menus and keep track on our shared calendars I don’t use this feature in Paprika.
Grocery Shopping: We use AnyList for a shared grocery app available on iOS and Mac.
Needless to say I make great use of Paprika for both menu planning and grocery lists despite not using the particular features of the app.
The program has been very dependable which is so important to me as my entire recipe library resides within it.
Highly Recommend!
Paprika Recipe Manager is worth every penny! We use it every single day. Sale prices have been offered around Black Friday the last couple years and I think you would find it a great investment.