Welcome to Sunday.
Dark, cold, and gloomy spring, it’s so frustrating!
Some years, the weather basically goes from winter straight into summer. One day, the cold and rainy conditions suddenly turn hot and humid. I have to wonder if this is going to be one of those years. I am promising myself I wouldn’t complain when the heat comes, at least not right away!
Husband and I have been donating blood routinely for the last year or so, using the blood donor app. You can schedule donations and get reports of your blood journey from the collection, testing, and finally, where your donation is needed to help save lives. In the past, my donations have gone to Denver, New York City, and Detroit. So cool to see!
The Red Cross has also started testing antibodies to single out donations with a high enough level of COVID antibodies to be used in the treatment of the disease. My blood was among those donations, thanks to the vaccine. While I certainly think the virus is still of active concern for everyone, it is reassuring to know I have a good level of protection.

This photo is from last weekend when we visited some local parks. I loved these two little lambs. The rest of the animals were scheduled to come this week, and I am looking forward to another visit soon!
What caught my eye this week
I loved the Harry Potter books and movies. These renditions represent how the characters were described in the books.
Twitter is my breaking news source, especially for sports. I will be curious how much the platform changes.
Cinnamon is one of my favorite spices. I have seen several mentions online this week of using it to promote growth and deter fungus and pests. Interesting!
This new series on Hulu looks interesting. Plus, Jessica Biel still looks good in a bad perm and the god-awful glasses I was stuck with before I finally got to get contacts when I was sixteen.
Hippie towns of the United States. I love these best-of states lists, basically to read through and see if I have been to any of them. We love visiting Duluth, Minnesota and we drove through Boulder, Colorado.
A teaspoon of salt is the recommended daily intake for adults. Spoiler alert; that isn’t much.
I like all of these. Sometimes less is definitely more.
Ways to show someone you love them, that anyone can do, and cost nothing.

The cats get rambunctious right away in the morning and at bedtime. Well, I should clarify, our bedtime. I have no doubt that cats are roaming and patrolling the house while we sleep. 😉
Have a cozy weekend.