Welcome to Sunday.
The sun started coming up on Thursday and I had to capture the moment. It has been a particularly cloudy spring.
I woke up excited to take in the free day at the local state park. When I went outside at 5:30 am to fetch the newspaper, it was an absolutely balmy 65 degrees. But by 8 am we were in a severe thunderstorm warning. The weather warms up and storms, that is just what it does.

Once the storm moved through, we headed out. The bison were obviously in very close viewing distance. I saw several that I assumed to be yearlings, as they were being quite bouncy and playful.
The sun was out and the weather was warm, so we took full advantage by taking a stroll through three other local parks. It was very windy, but it still felt absolutely glorious.
The NFL draft starts on Thursday night. We are having pizza to celebrate. I have been watching the draft for many years, far before it became such a big event. Three days of football news always gets me excited about the upcoming Vikings season, only to have to wait until fall. But then I remind myself I get to enjoy summer before settling in for pizza and football season.
What caught my eye this week
I love the beauty of nature, but I do not camp. Any of these accommodations would be a lovely compromise.
The 100 greatest snacks. I had to immediately scroll down to number one. Honestly, I have way more of a sweet tooth. But if I am craving a salty snack, original Nacho Cheese Doritos are a solid choice!
I really like Jessica Seinfeld’s approach to eating.
I love that Ina’s turkey lasagna won the taste contest! I have turkey sausage in the freezer that is just waiting for my next pan of lasagna.
Julia, the show on HBO Max about Julia Child, is really good.
I think everyone loads the dishwasher a little differently. I have never heard of the idea of adding detergent right after unloading. Although we like the dishwasher pods and they are supposed to stay dry until you use them.
The best shoe brands for women. I will be looking for a new pair of running shoes soon. Between exercise and work, I have come to really appreciate a comfortable pair of shoes.
Why we need cannabis reform. I fully support legalizing and decriminalizing marijuana nationwide.
Disposable everything is bad for the environment, and straws have been shown to really wreak havoc with wildlife. I am considering ordering one of these reusable straw sets.
Why it’s okay to be the planner in friendships.

Have a lovely weekend.
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