Happy Sunday.
The Stone Arch bridge in Minneapolis is a beautiful spot for a walk or run. We certainly enjoy it whenever we are in the area.
Walking and running outside is probably the thing I miss most when the weather turns cold. Indoor tracks and the treadmill just aren’t the same. The leaves on the maple trees in the neighborhood are starting to change color. Hopefully, we get a nice, long fall.

My 5k race is today. Last year was my first in-person race after doing a virtual race in 2020 due to COVID. While I am a sole exerciser, other than walks with hubby, I did enjoy the camaraderie of running with others. Now that I know what to expect I am really looking forward to the race today.
We might be running in the rain, which I don’t mind.
What caught my eye this week
Dinosaur tracks were revealed in the bottom of a river in Texas due to the ongoing drought.
Six months later for the people of Ukraine. The world has a way of moving on, but I think it’s important to remember this awful war is still raging.
Five habits of happy women. A lot of these get easier as I get older.
Not that I am ever short of shows to watch, I added Bad Sisters to my watchlist.
No NBA games on Election Day in an effort to get out the vote.
The best true crime podcasts. Morbid is a personal favorite of mine. The show is a perfect mix of grisly crime along with compassion for the victims by the hosts, Ash and Aliana.
How to use your garden produce. Our tomatoes are really starting to go. What doesn’t get used while fresh will be frozen. No tomato shall go to waste! The salvageable herbs will be brought into the house when the weather turns cold.
This house is so adorable. I couldn’t help by notice the litterbox in the bathroom. The realities of life with a cat!

Bella looks like she just woke up. 🙂
Have a happy weekend.