Happy Sunday.
One year ago I started using the words COVID-19 and Coronavirus in my personal journal. At first, it seemed like an inconvenience as it interfered with our St. Patrick’s Day getaway plans. We were supposed to have an overnight getaway to the twin cities but canceled due to the impending shutdown order.
Pretty soon everything was turned on its head. I remember going grocery shopping shortly after lockdown, a cross between nerves being out and about and anxiety over what would be available. Luckily we didn’t happen to need toilet paper.
Then came driving to work and seeing maybe six other vehicles between my house and the clinic. Normally I see this many cars driving down our residential street at 7:30 in the morning on a workday. It was downright eerie.
But at least we seem to be coming down the other side of the mountain. More and more people getting vaccinated every day, along with everything slowly opening up.
I’m curious what normal is going to look like. I want to go out to eat and go on vacation; especially once Husband is vaccinated. But the idea of booking a vacation makes me nervous. I still don’t see flying any time soon, but I am hopeful we can drive somewhere this summer.
On the subject of getting out of the house, the weather has been nice enough to get outside for a walk this week. It wouldn’t last…we are currently in a winter storm watch for tomorrow. But at least I feel like spring is coming.

The subject of Dutch baby pancakes came up earlier in the week. I had made them once before using Alton Brown’s recipe. Honestly, such an easy recipe! The ingredients get combined in a blender, poured into a hot prepped skillet, and baked. Who doesn’t love a pancake? 😉
We gobbled it up so quickly I didn’t even think about a photo. The above picture is from the first time I made them. Fruit and maple syrup makes them so yummy.
What caught my eye this week:
Making plans: I could not agree more.
The benefits of running: I just bought some new shoes and signed up for a (hopefully) in-person 5K race this summer.
For those of us who like the internet, as in pretty much everyone.
What to watch if you are in a slump.

Have a great weekend!