Happy Sunday.
I am halfway between hoping summer lasts another month and being ready for fall. I love nearly everything on this list. Both regular-sized pumpkins and those adorable minis were calling to me last weekend during grocery shopping. I was able to resist, but it is only a matter of time before the pumpkins will win out.
Pumpkin spice anything, cozy clothes and candles, and spooky movies all call my name. Football season has been a little frustrating so far, at least as far as the Vikings are concerned. But I have faith. We are definitely enjoying pizza season.
Mutant tomato season is here. I never knew that they are caused by extreme temperature variations. I have noticed any funny lumps or bumps on my current tomatoes. No reason to hesitate to eat them. All garden tomatoes must be eaten.
I am reading and enjoying the book, Lessons in Chemistry, and I just learned the book was adapted into a movie. It looks good, I love the cast.
A Murder, She Wrote movie reboot! I am stumped on who I would love to see play Jessica Fletcher. Angela Lansbury was so perfect in the original series.
The brain-dump meal plan. When I am struggling with what plan for meals, I Iike to look through the refrigerator, freezer, and pantry for ideas.
Bailey cracks me up, she sleeps in the weirdest positions. 🙂
Have a great weekend.