The streak is over. It was a good run.
I hadn’t been sick for over a decade, but I finally succumbed. I admit all those years made me forget how awful it is to be truly ill. At one point, I complained to Hubby that I would feel pretty good every evening only to have everything rebound the next morning. He reminded me my observations weren’t earth-shattering. I just forgot what it’s like to sick.
He may be right. Overall I wasn’t a fan. Hopefully, I will be good for another decade.

Bailey was the next member of the family to fall ill. She wasn’t acting right one day, so we took her to the vet the following day when she didn’t rebound. She is on the mend with a course of antibiotics. We are grateful the vet was able to prescribe liquid antibiotics. When Bella needed antibiotics after surgery we had a pill form. Two grown-ass adults giving a 10-pound cat a tiny tablet shouldn’t be hard, but we had a terrible time. Bailey doesn’t love the liquid but at least we can administer it relatively easily.
50 degrees and sunny on January 30 was crazy. I don’t like what these temperatures say about climate change. We did take the opportunity to walk to dinner. Our favorite local Mexican restaurant is only about a mile away. It was a little chilly walking back, but we enjoyed it.
Soup drops. What??? I wouldn’t prefer to be sick, but a soup-flavored cough drop? Nope.
I remember being excited to pull a seed catalog out of the mailbox! It was a sign of spring.
I am a firm believer in having easy recipes in your back pocket for busy days. Sheet pan dinners and stir-fries are delicious, low-stress, and minimal effort.

Grateful we once again have a healthy household. Have a great weekend.