Happy Saturday.
If the choice is food that tastes great or looks great, I will always be on the team that tastes great. Granted, it is true we eat with both our eyes and taste buds. But how disappointing is it to bite into a beautiful dessert and find it tasteless?
The above pie is about as fancy as I get. See the little swirl in the crumb topping. 🙂
Of course, one apple slice had to poke through on the lower right side and upset the proverbial apple cart. Ha.
This weekend will be a good time for me to do some baking. The Vikings game is on Monday night. I will still watch lots of football. But instead of three hours glued to my favorite team, I can have one eye on the games while I am in the kitchen. I will definitely be making the cranberry bars I made last year.
For what was supposed to be a rebuilding season, the Vikings continue to amaze. I keep reminding myself the experts predicted they would win about six games this year. They are currently 11-2 with four games remaining.
Time Magazine Athlete of the Year. I am happy for the attention that Caitlin has brought to the WNBA. The attention couldn’t have been easy for her, she deserves this honor.
In my lifelong quest for better sleep, I started using a weighted blanket in the cold weather months. I do think it helps. The blanket and my eye mask to block out light signal my body that it is time to relax and sleep.

Have a cozy weekend.