Happy Sunday.
Happy NFL draft weekend to all who celebrate! 🙂
I used to feel like the only football fan nerdy enough to sit and watch the NFL draft, but it has become a really big deal over the years. The draft in Detroit set an attendance record this year. I mean, it is a whole deal.
We ordered pizza to celebrate on Friday. Prior to this, I don’t think I have had pizza since the Super Bowl, so it was a treat.
The Vikings drafted their quarterback of the future and a big-time defense player in the first round. At least that is the hope. The draft is such a crapshoot. There is no sure thing.
Oh, and the Minnesota Timberwolves are a game away from a sweep of the Suns in the first round of the playoffs. Whoot!
In Other News
A kitchen gadget that upgrades everything. I don’t know. While I do get the appeal of a mandoline, they scare the crap out of me. I have seen one too many hands badly cut by failing to use the protector. But I love my zester! Parmesan cheese, citrus fruits, ginger, and garlic all get zested. I use it constantly.
We are still figuring out the nuances of our new toaster oven, especially the air fryer aspect. I was happy to see it made this list at number 4.
I can’t wait for Deadpool and Wolverine. We saw the two previous Deadpool movies in the theater and we rarely see movies in the theater.
I love cooking shows. I’m looking forward to checking out Meghan Markle’s show on Netflix.
How to prevent allergies. I probably shouldn’t think, much less type, this sentence. But my allergies have been well under control this spring. I use a nasal spray every morning, but I usually get breakthrough symptoms this time of year. But it’s been such a weird spring, so who knows?

We did partake in the outdoors and nature between watching the seven rounds of the NFL draft. The recent rain has certainly helped the waterfall.

Have a restful weekend. 🙂