Happy Sunday!
It happened. Our extra-warm summer and early fall took a serious cold turn on Friday. After freezing all day at work and at home, I was extra glad to get in bed under my weighted blanket. I have had a weighted blanket for a couple of years now, and I do think it helps my sleep. The extra warmth of the blanket is too much during the summer, but I sure love it when the weather turns cold.
Hubby has been craving an apple pie now that is officially oven weather. Maybe today since the Vikings play the late afternoon game.
I have watched this video with Honey Bun the pangolin about three dozen times. That cute little walk, I just can’t get enough.
Joy the Baker on how to read a recipe. I have had to pivot when I notice, partway through a recipe, that I am missing an essential ingredient.
Amazon October Prime Days start on Tuesday and some deals have already started. I like to look through my wish lists to see if anything goes on sale.
The CDC has stopped issuing COVID-19 vaccine cards, and they are no longer required as proof of vaccination. I still have my card and will probably keep it for posterity’s sake. If you live in Minnesota, you can use the Docket app to keep track and show proof of your COVID-19 and other vaccinations.

The cats get quite dramatic when they think it’s mealtime. This is Bailey being her cutest self hoping Hubby will find it in himself to feed her a little sooner than scheduled. It probably worked!