New York City – Part Two

New York City vacation, part two!

When we left off in Part One, I hurt my foot. As much as I wanted to push through as scheduled, I knew I would be better off, in the long run, taking a day to recover. That morning, Hubby did some clothes shopping for himself, and a light raincoat for me. Meanwhile, I sat in the hotel with my foot propped up. I appreciated our nice, comfortable hotel room.

During my downtime, I researched nearby restaurants. We soon discovered on this trip, it’s hard to make a bad choice. New York City truly has amazing food.

Joe Allen’s was my choice for lunch. The place was adorable, it was a few steps down from our hotel, and the food was delicious! I had grilled chicken salad with lots of veggies and a spicy miso dressing. Hubby had a Cubano sandwich and fries.

My mobility was a pleasant surprise. While I was certainly moving slowly, it was manageable.

Dinner was at 5Napkin Burger, also very close to our hotel. I nearly disregarded this place as I don’t eat traditional beef burgers. But they have all sorts of great choices outside of standard burgers and fries. I had the Italian turkey burger with sweet potato fries. So freaking good.

I couldn’t resist their featured dessert for June, rainbow cake to celebrate Pride Month. 🙂


The next day was our wedding anniversary. I was not spending it with my foot propped in a hotel room! I decided I would be up for a slow, leisurely walk through a museum. The Met was on both of our must-see lists.

The place is absolutely huge and honestly, confusing to navigate. We wandered for three hours and still didn’t find the exhibit I had hoped to see. The Egyptian exhibit was impressive.

After leaving the Met, we went down Madison Avenue on the Upper East Side. The plan was to find a restaurant for lunch. Italian restaurants were plentiful, but that was our plan for the evening meal. But while we searched, I did enjoy seeing virtually every high-end retail store I have ever heard of and, some I haven’t. That was fun.

My foot was needing a break and we were both needing something to eat. We ended up splitting a fast food sandwich for a break and something to tide us over before dinner.

After some much-needed rest, we started our evening at the hotel bar for happy hour. Dinner was at Trattoria Trecolori, a nearby Italian restaurant. This place had been on my radar for months when I started my search for an anniversary dinner location. It was lovely and everything I imagined. Even though it was busy, the service was some of the best service we have ever had.

We split a bottle of wine, complete with the ice bucket beside our table. I had salmon with vegetables and Hubby had lasagna. Incredible. Tiramisu was a perfect finishing touch to the meal.

The vacation continued, more in the next post. 🙂

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