Happy Sunday.
My backyard view complete with gorgeous autumn sunrises took a turn this week.

Okay, I really wasn’t ready for this “winter wonderland”. While gently falling snow is a nice backdrop if you are home and cozy, it was a workday. Which meant I had to be out in the snow and the cold.
The roads were actually quite passable, but pushing and scraping 6+ inches of snow off my vehicle was a drag. I have a feeling I wasn’t the only one not enjoying that factor of winter. There seems to be a higher percentage of vehicles driving around covered with snow. Usually this early in the season, most people are still at least clearing off both front and back windshields and all windows before moving. But nope, not the case for some people. Apparently seeing where you are going is overrated. Yikes.
We are in the market for a new Viking flag. Hubby originally brought one for me years ago to display outside. Back in 2020, we found a nice, durable flag that has been holding up well through Minnesota weather. Maybe the wind took it, but it has survived many storms. I am betting someone helped themselves to it. They better have been Viking fans, and I can only hope they gave it a good home.
What caught my eye this week
I admit it, I hit “reheat pizza” and the microwave and call it good. Mostly because the late afternoon football game is usually still going. But I am well aware there are better ways.
I treated myself to a new coffeemaker on Black Friday. My morning routine is two large mugs of coffee every morning. It works great and gives me some added counter space thanks to its compact size. I have always found it interesting how the coffeemaker industry standard is 4-5 ounces of water for one cup of coffee. Obviously, this was standardized when a tiny little cup was the norm instead of the big mugs most use these days.
TSA scares the crap out of me. I am stressed to the max walking into the airport. Not the flying part, the TSA part. But TSA rescued a cat in a suitcase, so I do like that.
Wordle has themes now. I didn’t figure FEAST on Thanksgiving was a coincidence. 😉

Bella is in her current favorite spot, a cat bed or, as we call them, a cuddle cup. I think we all need a cuddle cup this time of year!
Have a lovely weekend.