Happy Sunday!
It has been a beautiful week outside, partly thanks to the fall colors bursting onto the scene. My morning drive out of our neighborhood features a couple of radiant red trees.
We took a hike yesterday to take advantage of a beautiful autumn weekend.
My random thought this week centered on how much my morning routine has changed over my life. I hated getting up early as a kid, and I was a total night owl in my teens and twenties. Keeping late hours worked to my advantage, as I worked overnights for the majority of my first nursing job.
Once I started at the clinic and had a 9-5 job, I had to adjust my internal clock. To start, I wasn’t exactly a morning person, as I was getting up with just enough time to get ready before heading out the door to work.
Part of the change came from finally figuring out that the only way I was going to exercise consistently was right away in the morning. I spent years trying to convince myself I would exercise in the evening, but I realized that wasn’t going to work for me. A fascination with yoga and my willingness to get out of bed 20 minutes early to do a short routine started it all.

Now I love to get up early and start my day with exercise. While I still enjoy yoga, I have long since branched out to cardio, including running and different types of strength training.
One of my favorite parts of the day has become the early morning. I exercise, have breakfast, and coffee, then catch up on current events at a leisurely pace. My twenty-year-old self would never believe it!
What caught my eye this week
The CDC is updating guidelines for masking requirements. Honestly, I have conflicting emotions. I have actually gotten used to wearing a mask while working, and flu season is coming.
Developing a healthy relationship with exercise. Movement does so much more than burn calories.
I come from a long line of chronic worriers. As much as I like to think otherwise, I can head down that dark hole pretty easily. But worrying doesn’t solve anything, especially what we can’t control.
What celebrities might look like had they lived.
I saw this story in our local paper and had to look up more pictures of this adorable wild boar piglet adopted by cows.
Apparently, it is fat bear week. Too cute!

Is there anything cuter than a sleeping cat? Bailey often sleeps on her back, which is utterly adorable. But she looks equally cute and cuddly curled up on her side.
Enjoy those beautiful fall colors and have a great weekend.