Happy Sunday.
The flowering crab tree in my front yard is blooming and absolutely gorgeous! The photo above was actually taken a few years ago, right around sunrise. The red/pink color isn’t a filter, but it sure looks like it could be. I only wish the blooms lasted longer.

I feel like I am late to the garden game this year. But then I remember I usually don’t finish until Memorial Day. Walking down the flower isles at my favorite garden center makes me want to buy one of everything. Except it would all need to be watered, sometimes daily when the hot, dry days of summer kick in. So I rein myself to a limit of a few pots to adorn the entrance of the house and one or two on the deck. The deck is full of quite a number of fresh herbs, so I don’t need a lot of flowers.
Three tomato plants and some purple petunias for my deck sun pot did come home with me. I was also happy to find a Thai basil plant. Thai basil is a bit hard to find, but worth is it adds a great touch to stir-fry recipes. Sweet basil is widely available and definitely one of my favorite herbs.
This year we decided to stick to strictly tomatoes in our small, raised garden. Last year we did two tomatoes and three varieties of pepper. We ended up with far too many peppers for the two of us. But there is really no such thing as too many fresh, garden tomatoes, especially since they can always be frozen.
What caught my eye this week
Let the horses of Iceland reply to your emails. Funny and the horses are adorable!
So what if everyone else is doing it? Why you should choose your own path.
Extreme morning people, or in other words, those of us up before 5 o’clock, share what they do. Personally, I just like time to exercise, eat breakfast, catch up on current events, and start my day on a relaxing note.
Stop wasting time at the drive-thru. Other than Chipotle, we don’t do a lot of fast food. Drives me crazy when people don’t know what they want when it is their turn to order. I do like an occasional fancy coffee and the Caribou coffee app is so convenient! You can order, pay, and select your pick-up time.
50 scary, creepy signs. Some scary, some creepy, some sad, and a few quite funny. These signs would definitely get my attention.
Little things that aren’t little. A little thing can make your day.

Bailey was more interested in sleep than getting her picture taken, but I couldn’t help myself. The cats always look like they are posing for photos.
Have a lovely weekend.