Happy Sunday
The cats have taken to sitting downstairs on the futon on occasion. Like all cats, they have their favorite spots, which rotate on a regular basis.

This started one day, Bella nestled in on a Minnesota Timberwolves blanket that was laying on the futon. Normally, Husband will use this blanket as a throw when he is chilly. But since we are cat lovers, and the girls are ridiculously adorable, the blanket has now become a makeshift cat bed. Never mind we have multiple actual cat beds around the house. 😉
I have always been curious about their thought process behind where in the house they chose to spend their days. Sometimes it’s obvious as the sunlight is streaming in, or they just want to be near us. But usually, there doesn’t seem any rhyme or reason to where they elect to doze during the day.
Football season is officially over after a very entertaining Super Bowl. The Minnesota Vikings have a new head coach. Lots of uncertainly and, most likely, a fair amount of changes. But I am always optimistic.

We went out for dinner this week. The plan was to go out a few weeks ago, but the virus numbers made us rethink that idea. Thankfully the positive rates have been falling dramatically in the area so we ventured out. We hadn’t been to this local restaurant for a while, and I was excited to try their cauliflower appetizer. Several people, including a good friend, are pretty obsessed, and I had to try it.
We liked it! The deep-fried cauliflower still has a bit of crunch, and the cheese sauce is delicious. Love a good cheese sauce!
My main entrée was the salmon special with a wonder tarragon sauce. Hubby ordered carrot cake and I had to sneak more than a few bites. 🙂 So good!
What caught my eye this week
I tend to hit my food ruts at the change of seasons. When I am ready for warm weather, I crave lighter meals and dinner on the grill. Then in the fall, as the temperatures are falling, I want all the oven meals.
I have been experimenting with the new focus feature on iPhone.
I can get songs stuck in my head for days, I guess we all do. My hell loop song would definitely be country music.
One curmudgeon meets another. Roy Kent from Ted Lasso meets Oscar the Grouch.
Exciting news and the hope of a cure for HIV.
Vaccine requirements for indoor dining are going away. Husband and I were discussing we have never had to show proof of vaccination and would have happily done so. I agree that we are reaching the point of choosing our own path as we start to move forward from the pandemic.
Friday was National Drink Wine day! We opened a bottle of our favorite Chardonnay for date night.
This seatbelt rule for passing judgments is good. I need to give myself constant reminders.

Bailey and Bella looked like a pair of bookends the other morning.
Have a lovely weekend.