Happy Sunday
I can’t get enough of pumpkin season. I keep seeing Sparkler pumpkins this year, maybe aren’t a brand new thing, but I sure don’t remember them from years past. Now, I like any and all pumpkins, but the sparklers are so pretty! Evidently, they can be roasted, much like the sugar pumpkins. Down the road, both those orange beauties will be roasted and used to create all sorts of yummy treats.
The acorn squash pictured became a delicious side dish this week. October means the start of oven meals for me, even though the temperatures are still hitting the 70s and 80s pretty routinely.

This house graces one of my favorite lunch hour walking routes. The quick photo while I strolled past doesn’t do it justice at all. I hope the owners know how their creativity is brightening my day. The yard has gravestones, skeletons, a large snake, and even a headless horseman off to the side!
To add to the fun, some of their neighbors seem to be getting into the spirit as well. I seem to see more houses decorated every time I venture down the street.
What caught my eye this week
The Docket, a new, free app to access your vaccine records using the Minnesota Department of Health records. This is a handy way to provide proof of vaccine.
Every industry seems to be suffering a labor shortage, vets included.
The Zodiac Killer was a Vikings Fan. Makes sense.
I had no idea bleaching pumpkins, so they last longer was common. Turns out it is a bad idea for the wildlife who consider pumpkins a food source. Vinegar is a safe alternative.
How to distinguish yourself. I love this.
Social media tips. I do love an Instagram scroll. But I am trying to be more mindful of my time.

Bailey likes to sit against the wall every evening and look for opportunities for petting and attention. Cats, much like their people, enjoy rituals.
Have an awesome weekend!
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