Happy Sunday!
The temperatures are getting cooler outside, which means the garden needs to get completely harvested soon. The serrano pepper plant was crazy productive, with this being only a portion of the bounty. Unlike the jalapeño peppers, which aren’t the least bit spicy, these little guys bring the heat. One of these pinky-finger-sized peppers is plenty of spicy flavor for the two of us. And we really like spicy.
The plan is to grill and blend them up and slowly add to recipes for flavor and heat. I am guessing we will be using the blend until spring. You certainly don’t need much.

Pizza season! This beautiful creation, complete with some fresh mozzarella, was so freaking good last weekend! I have always like to think of our weekly pizza as good luck for the Vikings. I am not particularly superstitious, but I have lots of traditions around watching football games. So far, the pizza luck hasn’t seemed to work for the Vikings, but the season is young. 🙂
What caught my eye this week
Cold weather running. 35ish degrees or so was my limit last year.
Decluttering mindset shifts. I need to go through my clothes.
Your third place. I love this concept. I am thinking of our favorite walking park or our favorite bar/restaurant over the years.
My hands are so dry already, and it isn’t even October!

Bailey and her sister, Bella, had their yearly vet visits this past week. I can happily announce they survived the experience. 😉
Have an awesome weekend!