Happy Sunday!
With temperatures reaching 60 degrees today I am really thinking spring. While in reality, March can still bring winter weather with a vengeance, we are getting to the end of the serious cold and snow. I hope.
We got outside for a walk yesterday, and that is definitely the plan again today. Glorious!

One of our favorite side dishes is oven fries; often regular fries for Hubby and sweet potato fries for me. While I eat and love all fries I adore sweet potato fries. Unfortunately, he isn’t a fan, but luckily we can both get what we love.
I was thinking how we all tend to have strong opinions when the subject of food dislikes comes up. Ask people their favorite foods and for a lot of us, it is a tough question. I love so many foods and can’t possibly come up with a consensus favorite. Plus, I eat a lot of food now that would have made my list of disliked foods not long ago. Blueberries and raisins are good examples. I wouldn’t touch a tomato as a kid, but now I practically eat them every day.
But I still detest green bell peppers and trust me, I have tried them. Fortunately, a few years ago I discovered how delicious red bell peppers are compared to their green, unripe, counterparts.
So is it changing tastes or just not giving foods a fair chance in the past? Either way, it’s fun to open up a new category of food to enjoy.
What caught my eye this week:
The new Johnson & Johnson vaccine and the question of effectiveness. It’s effective.
Marriage during a pandemic – so interesting.
Naming your house – We name our vehicles, but not our house.
Martha – the original influencer.
Animal cuteness – Because I can never find too much animal cuteness.
Kindness to animals: Love it.
My new podcast binge – Super entertaining!

Happy weekend and enjoy this weather!
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