Happy Sunday.
I keep having the feeling of walking through a tunnel hoping to see the light. Ever since the end of 2020; especially after the election and new of a promising vaccine. Some days the light feels right around the corner and some days I feel like we have a ways to go.
I really miss going to restaurants. When this pandemic is over I can’t wait to order a delicious meal, have a glass of wine or beer, and absolutely savor the experience.
We don’t travel a lot; so that aspect of the last 10 months hasn’t affected us quite as much. We did, however, have to cancel a much-anticipated trip to New York City to celebrate our anniversary. While it certainly doesn’t look like this trip will get rescheduled any time soon I certainly hope for some type of getaway this year.
I have grown so accustomed to wearing a mask. Grabbing one of the four masks I keep in my bag before walking into work has slowly turned into a habit. I certainly credit consistently masking up by me and those around me with staying healthy during this pandemic.
So I guess we stay the course. I have literally said this dozens of times, but if someone would have told me in March we would be here now I would have probably laughed. When I think back last year to being disappointed canceling a getaway to celebrate St. Patrick’s Day; it seemed so temporary. Who knew?
Here’s to hope.

What caught my eye this week:
Moderna vaccine may give a year of protection. Fingers crossed!
We watched and enjoyed The Queen’s Gambit on Netflix.
Sex & the City revival – As a major fan of the series and movies…Yay!!
A dwarf giraffe – although still 9 feet tall. 😉
Headlining and why it isn’t making us informed.
Patches – the Miracle cat: Found after thought to be lost in a mudslide three years ago. Amazing!

Bailey has the whole cozy thing down pat! 🙂
Have a lovely Sunday.
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