Happy weekend! October is such a beautiful month in Minnesota as the leaves hit peak autumn color with brilliant orange and red hues. Next week is supposed to be peak color but depending on where you look some trees are already done and shedding leaves and others haven’t yet started changing.

At Minneopa state park the leaves are on the downhill slide from peak color; but still quite pretty. We took a hike down to a lower trail to get a unique look at part of the waterfall.

Grateful for a week of beautiful autumn weather and I have been taking advantage by getting outside for walks and runs.
What caught my eye this week:
Ina in Quarantine: What’s not to love about Ina Garten. 😉
15 funny signs: We all need a laugh, right?
Guest stars on Gilmore Girls: I Loved Gilmore Girls! Many of the guests I remember but a fair number I had forgotten.
Pasta has health benefits! Good thing because I will never give up pasta!
Speaking of pasta…..

Friday dinner! We had zucchini Parmesan chicken meatballs in homemade chunky marinara sauce. The sauce was garden tomatoes with onion, sweet peppers and garlic simmered with fresh basil, parsley and oregano. This was served over spinach and risotto ravioli. So good.

Have a cozy weekend.