Happy Weekend! Fall is formally and officially here. I am still trying to figure out what happened to September.
Looking through fall photos brought back memories of our October trip in 2014 to Duluth in northern Minnesota. We love Duluth and usually go at least every couple of years. Typically these trips occur sometimes between mid June and late August but circumstances that particular year meant either a late trip or no trip. So a fall vacation in northern Minnesota was on.
It was cold, really cold. Our first order of business was shopping for heavier coats as we brought light, change-of-season sort of jackets that would not have allowed for any extended time outdoors.
Armed with winter jackets we were able to enjoy our normal fun in Canal Park in Duluth. We also drove up the north shore to Gooseberry Falls State Park.

While the fall leaves were not at prime color display it was still so pretty.
A trip to Duluth was considered this summer after our 30th anniversary trip to New York was officially cancelled. We would have loved to go somewhere that week in June. But with so many unknowns we never made it happen.
Meanwhile here in the present:
So back in early September I mentioned going full bore into pumpkin spice season including pumpkin spice coffee creamer.
Well, I upped my early for the season game. Big time

Yup, Peppermint Mocha coffee creamer! Complete with candy canes and snowmen.
I thought twice, I really did. But what if this was the one and only time saw it? That happens too often and seriously so annoying! I couldn’t take the chance. 🙂
The peppermint mocha flavor is unopened as I am still enjoying the scrumptious pumpkin spice creamer. But I am certain I will love it.
Heck, one year I ate pumpkin spice flavored cereal all year long! So peppermint mocha creamer in September isn’t that much of a stretch.
What caught my eye this week:
Funny Animal photos – Because we all need a smile right now.
Squirrels and chipmunks – Because we can’t have too much cute.
Scary movies! – Definitely time for scary movies.
Habit dip – Forming and maintaining good habits. Discussed this week with my dental hygienist in regards to flossing. Fortunately I can say it has been a nightly habit for some time.
Productivity – Total morning person here.
Great British Baking Show – New season and I can’t wait. We love this show.

Have a lovely Sunday.
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