Happy weekend! The leaves here in Minnesota are just starting to turn and develop those gorgeous fall colors. I couldn’t help noticing this pretty leaf just begging to be photographed when I was returning home from my run the other morning.
Southern Minnesota enjoyed some mild weather this week and I was fortunate enough to have a long weekend. Where we probably would have taken at least a day or overnight trip somewhere in normal times we instead stayed close to home.
Bison sightings:
We drove out to the local state park a couple times and were lucky enough to get a close up view of the bison herd both days.

The herd roams freely within the enclosure. As you can see by the photo above they can sometimes even block the driving path through the park.

Visitors driving through can luck out and see them quite close up or not see them at all depending on their location.
Fall Running:
Not surprised at all to learn how much I love to run in the cooler weather. Training for my 5K earlier this summer involved running in heat and humidity; what a struggle! But now that the morning temperatures are in the 50s I am in my happy running place.
What caught my eye this week:
RBG Ruth Bader Ginsburg; champion of equality, defender of human rights, icon and an absolute badass. She will be missed.
Fall Allergies or COVID? My fellow allergy suffers; the struggle is real.
Outdated rules for healthy eating: I could not agree more.
Stress induced overthinking: Professional over-thinker; stress induced or not.

Have a peaceful Sunday.