So I guess the lion roared? Since we got our beginning of the month storm, doesn’t that mean the remainder of March will be mild? Dare I say, spring-like. Mother Nature will do whatever the hell she wants.

My backyard was a winter wonderland mid week. We can certainly use the moisture, but I would like to rest of the month to be a lamb and simply rain.
We don’t plan to fly anytime soon. Hubby isn’t crazy about hates to fly. TSA makes me anxious, but after that, I am good to go. We have enjoyed our trips to the east and west coasts, which means getting on a plane. This summer we want to try a short train trip to see if that would be an option in the future.
Every list I read of Gene Hackman’s movies seems to contain a terrific performance I had forgotten. The Birdcage immediately came to mind for me, but I had forgotten about Enemy of the State. Heartbreakers isn’t typically mentioned, but Hackman stole this movie.
We continue trying to cut down our consumption of eggs as the price keeps increasing. Since an egg wash doesn’t even consume an entire egg, this is a good reason to substitute. Sour cream, who knew?
I watched both Flow and The Wild Robot this past weekend. Both films were nominated for an Academy Award in the Best Animated Film category. They were both deserving of an award. The award went to Flow, an independent film and the first win for the country of Latvia. The main character is a black cat, which endeared me to it.
First player to 50,000 points. It is a testament to how long LeBron James has been playing at an extremely high level.
This cake looks freaking amazing! I am making a carrot cake later today to bring to our friend’s house for dinner. It’s a favorite!
Have a great weekend.