Happy Weekend! This past week brought a definite chill in the air and I have been craving warm and cozy. The salt lamp always adds a cozy feel when when the weather gets cold. I think it’s so pretty.
Gardening season is coming to an end in Minnesota. A light freeze got me out harvesting a bunch of peppers and tomatoes. How gorgeous is that red bell pepper?! Unfortunately the rest are as green as grass. I am hopeful they still have some time to ripen otherwise they go on Hubby’s pizza.
I grew two paste tomatoes including San Marzano; but not on purpose! Typically I grew more traditional, slice-and-eat sort of tomatoes but this year shopping in the garden center was unlike any other year. I was in a hurry, trying to socially distance and pretty much just grabbed some flowers and veggies as quickly as I could.
San Marzano are supposed to produce an amazing tomato sauce. I look forward to some excellent spaghetti, lasagna and other tomato sauce based dishes!

What I am missing:
Under normal circumstances the Minnesota Renaissance Festival would be in full swing right now. Like anything else that involves lots of people in a small area it was cancelled. Looking back I found this photo of this adorable little tortoise all decked out at the festival.

I knew I had heard his name in the past and I ended up sending my dearest friend into a deep dive for his identity. His name is Angus McTortoise. He resides at the Minnesota Herpetological Society and has been retired for several years. No doubt he is living his best life. :-
But life goes on!

This week I brought some baby pumpkins; a must for me every year. They are so cute. Now Husband has insisted I keep them around a little too long some years. Okay, okay; baby pumpkins and pine cones don’t mix.
It is also the time of year we find golden honeydew at our local grocery stores. I like any and all melons but these are especially sweet and delicious. A dark golden color seems to be the key to finding a melon that is especially sweet and ripe.
Every year canned pumpkin seems to go into short supply but this year sounds positive. Currently I have three cans as well as a sugar pumpkin I plan to roast one of these coming weekends.
What caught my eye this week:
TV and COVID 19 – The must-cover topic of the year.
Influenza season is gearing up – I had my vaccine this week at work.
Baby Yoda kitty: I think a lot of cats look like Baby Yoda with big pointy ears and a sweet little face. Probably why I think Baby Yoda is so cute. 🙂
Clear your mind – I do the breathing trick on the nightly.
Sweet potato fries – These look amazing. Sweet potato fries > regular fries any day. And I love regular fries too!

Have a cozy Sunday.