Happy weekend.
The orchid is blooming. Hubby has kept it alive for over two years, I am impressed! I wish I could take partial credit, but houseplants are not my specialty. Snake plants are supposed to be one of the easiest houseplants to keep alive, and I nearly succeeded in killing one. Hubby took over and it is thriving.
Speaking of flowers, I stumbled upon an article on cherry blossom season in Japan. How gorgeous.
We replaced our 31-year-old clothes dryer this week. An appliance lasting that long must be a record. Besides Hubby doing a minor fix a few years ago, it has been very reliable. Retiring the old girl was an easy decision when we realized how many years of service she had given us. I told Hubby I wanted the new version of the same dryer. Why mess with success? We are up and running again with our new dryer.
There are 10 essential coffee drinks. I have tried most of them. The menus at Starbucks and Caribou seem to be always expanding.
Morning people vs. night people. I started my life as a total night owl. I hated getting up early and worked overnights for seven years. But over the years I have become a total morning person.
I may have to try these cottage cheese pancakes. A higher protein breakfast sounds good to me. Plus, pancakes! 🙂
This story made me smile.

Sweet Bella dozing away.
Have a lovely weekend.