Happy Thanksgiving weekend.
Our traditional dinner was a smashing success. The meal was mostly tried-and-true recipes, except small-batch buttermilk biscuits. We enjoyed a good dinner, pumpkin pie, and a day of football.
We are both a big fan of the leftovers. The turkey bones are in the freezer for a future batch of soup, either a turkey noodle or a wild rice recipe I just tried. We have finished all the leftovers except the turkey bones and a small amount of cranberry sauce which Hubby didn’t realize was there, or they would probably be gone as well.
I would not have expected to be out in person shopping on Black Friday, but we were indeed at the mall on Friday morning! I needed to run an early morning errand, and Hubby wanted a new Amazon Echo. Our local Target had two in stock, so we decided to chance it. The mall was busy but very manageable. I am not sure if we have ever been shopping in stores together on Black Friday.
Over the past couple of days I have found some online Black Friday deals on Athleta and Amazon that were too good to pass by.
Now is also a great time to pick up deals on streaming services.
I recently joined, and have been enjoying, BlueSky, the newish microblogging social media app. Twitter, or X, has been my go-to for instant, mostly sports news. Given that I don’t relish supporting Musk, I wanted an alternate. It is taking time to curate lists and find accounts to follow, but so far so good!

Bailey has the right idea for a chilly day.
Have a great weekend.