Weekend Randoms 5/14/2023

Happy Sunday.

I have complained about rain to almost everyone who has crossed my path this week. It is making me grumpy. The most unique response was from a guy who told me he really likes rainy days. He had considered moving to Seattle at one point in his life. Of course, give it a month, and it will be hot and dry, and we will all be hoping for rain. 😉

At least everything is getting green thanks to all this rain.

If we aren’t complaining about rain, we are talking about gardening. I haven’t stepped foot in a garden center and I feel like I am in the minority! We all get a feeling of accomplishment when we get those veggies started early. After all the sooner the tomatoes get started, the sooner the fresh, delicious garden tomatoes become available. Or so that is the feeling. But my tomatoes seem to be ready mid-August whether I get my plants in the first part of May or wait until Memorial Day.

The NFL schedule was released on Thursday night. I was confused to see the Viking’s complete game schedule online hours earlier. Come to find out, there was a leak, and it turned out to be completely accurate.

I should also give Hubby credit for the cardinal photo.

What caught my eye this week

Just let us not be mothers. It’s okay, it really is. Mother’s Day doesn’t need to be inclusive.

If you are inclined to make a Mother’s Day brunch, this would be a fabulous choice!

Long-overdue change in the FDA’s guidelines around gay and bisexual men donating blood. I signed up for my next donation on the day the change was announced to celebrate. 🙂

A Minnesota highway named after Prince. I read that Governor Walz signed the bill in purple ink.

I agree, mini kitchen tools are useful and adorable! The author seems as taken with all things mini as I am. Some really useful items, especially for those of us who do a lot of small-batch cooking.

Have a nice weekend.

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