Happy Sunday!
Cloudy, rainy weekends after a workweek of lovely spring/early summer weather just doesn’t seem fair. But, I was grateful to be able to enjoy some quality outdoor time when the weather was utterly spectacular.
I don’t know about the rest of the country, but Minnesota towns and cities really come alive as the weather warms up. Since our beautiful weather is fleeting, we really need to make the most of it. The new sculptures came out last week. This week marked the first in a series of free outdoor concerts every Thursday in June. The indie rock band that played this week was excellent! Good music, food trucks, and the nicest day of the year up to this point.

I snapped this photo as the music was just starting. This makes the crowd look sparse, but there were actually lots of people there taking in the show. We were lucky enough to be sitting toward the front.
So, this Wordle thing! I am about an hour late to that party, which is par for the course for me and most trends. Hubby and I have both been playing, giving each other hints if need be. 🙂
What caught my eye this week
Celebrating Gay Pride Month when basic human rights are under attack.
Pandemic beauty routines. I had a haircut this week and was thinking about how long most of us waited in the early days of COVID. I did manage all of my health screenings during those two years.
Morel mushrooms are pure heaven. We scoured the wooded ravine behind our house a couple of years ago as they grow around dead trees, but no such luck.
The benefits of taking a sound walk. I am such a fan of podcasts when I walk by myself or go for a run. But listening to nature can really clear the mind.
A pet tortoise was found in an attic after 30 years. What the heck!

Have a lovely weekend.