Happy Sunday!
Yesterday we had a welcome reprieve from what has been a scorching month. June always used to be when we enjoyed 70-80 degrees with reasonable humidity and plenty of sunshine. But I swear the past few years it has been the hottest month of summer.
It was lovely to get outside for a walk early Saturday morning after Huevos Rancheros for breakfast. Being a planner, I have our menu set a week ahead of time. Fortunately, planning a breakfast baked in the oven during the summer worked out okay. I also baked some muffins to take advantage of the cool temperatures.
We have reservations for Sunday brunch. While I love making weekend breakfast at home; going out for brunch is such a treat. It feels a little extra special as this is the first time in over a year and a half we have enjoyed a restaurant breakfast.
I can happily say we are starting to get some vacation plans started. Sometimes figuring out where we are going is the hardest part to decide.
My tomatoes and pepper plants seem a little bigger every time I check them! The jalapeƱo pepper plant now has a couple of tiny little peppers.
What caught my eye this week:
Yes, we animal lovers figured this out, thank you for the study. Petting dogs (and cats!) can lower stress.
Heroic rat stiffing out landmines. I hope he has a wonderful retirement.
My all-time favorite novels being adapted into a TV series! Coincidentally, I started re-reading the series shortly before hearing this news.
I love art.
This bakery was dealing with hate over offering cookies for Pride Month. They were soon overwhelmed in the best possible way.

Have a wonderful weekend!