Happy Sunday!
Minnesota is full of color right now with all the spring-blooming trees. I absolutely love the flowering Crabapple tree in the front yard. Much like the tulips which I have been admiring in the neighborhood landscapes, Crabapple tree blossoms don’t last long. Happily, the tree bloomed on a relatively calm day, so we were able to enjoy several days before the blossoms started to fall.

The backyard animals seemed to be working in unity yesterday morning. This time of year the squirrels nibble on the trees in the ravine and by doing so cause some leaves to fall. As I was making our breakfast frittata Saturday morning I noticed several squirrels busy at work. Later I saw several rabbits helping themselves to the freshly fallen leaves. It’s all just so darned cute!

We went for a walk down by the river last weekend.

Several local parks have ponds that naturally attract ducks and geese. Especially fun this time of your when the adorable babies come out! We have seen several pairs of geese with their goslings. I am sure ducklings will not be far behind.
As per my usual, I haven’t gone full bore on my garden yet. I like to wait for the weather to be plenty warm so once the plants are in the soil they can grow. The deck is home to some fresh basil and thyme; joining the rosemary and parsley that survived inside.
What caught my eye this week:
Fully vaccinated = no mask: While this will not change my work life (health care settings will continue to require a mask) it will be a huge change. Although I have been fully vaccinated for several months, I plan to still be cautious and respectful. We did enjoy lunch and dinner out recently, and it was pretty fabulous.
The ultimate vaccine site. Love it!
Working out at home benefits. As someone who exercises reallllly early it is the way to go.
Another invasive species. I recently learned of jumping worms via a gardening group. Something to watch for as I plant my tomatoes and peppers in the next few weeks.
It fits so I sit: To the surprise of no one who lives with cats.

Bella has been making her way to the living room in the late afternoon to bask in the late day sunshine. Bailey will often join her on the floor or the couch.