Happy Sunday.
Spring might just be here in Minnesota. We got rain, actually lots of rain, instead of snow this week. The grass is starting to getting green, and we’re starting to see more varieties of birds. I keep looking for blooms and buds on the trees and shrubs.
As the weather gets nicer I love to get outside for walks. Eventually, I want to start running outside again. But as I am an early-morning exercise person I need the temperatures to warm up just a bit.
Last weekend we were down by the river and saw evidence of some busy beavers!

I can’t believe Easter is next weekend, although the holiday is typically just another day for us. But I like that it means spring. Plus I have an excuse to buy a Cadbury egg. 🙂
If you need a special side for the day my holiday cheesy potatoes are a great choice!
Every week I like to incorporate at least one new recipe into the menu. This sweet & sour chicken was a hit! As with most recipes, I adjusted the ingredients to our taste which included adding more spice.

What caught my eye this week:
We have such fond memories of our trip to Colorado several years ago. It was heartbreaking to see the news of this beautiful state dealing with yet another mass shooting.
My favorite yogurt company making it easy for their employees to get vaccinated.
Babies born with COVID antibodies; courtesy of their vaccinated mothers.
Spring clean your plants. We have an enormous snake plant that needs to get re-potted.
Movie night! I am always looking for ideas.
I read any and all sleep articles I come across. Lack of sleep is nothing to brag about and well worth trying to improve.
Give me all the sweet potatoes! I love leftover sweet potatoes in salads.

This sweet little frog was sunning himself in the park. I think he is anxious for spring just like everyone else.
Have a relaxing weekend.