Happy Sunday!
The weather is warming up, and I am hoping for an early spring. We had some brutally cold (like 15 below zero cold) temperatures recently, but this past week has been mild. When the daytime temperatures reach the 40s I start thinking spring.
I am sure temperatures in the 40s sound cold to most people, but in Minnesota, that is a really mild winter temperature.
Personally, I can’t wait until it gets warm enough to walk and take my running outside. I do like my treadmill as I love being able to exercise and catch up on TV shows. But getting outside is good for the soul and really can improve my mood and mindset.

The snow in the yard has been melting all week; hopefully gone completely this week. I am not confident we have seen the last of the white stuff as March can be a very snowy month. But at least we know any storms are just winters last hurrah and spring is coming.
What caught my eye this week:
The thought of a semi-normal summer is giving me life. I am also hopeful that my Moderna vaccine is truly also preventing transmission.
The short afternoon walk can’t cure everything, but it sure helps me.
Life hacks – Number 5 is an excellent idea! I have used number 15 at home, and it works.
A Wildlife Rescue opens in a closed Irish pub. Love this idea, but I also love an Irish pub. 🙂
Architectural Digest YouTube page – I love a peek inside houses! Husband showed me a video which sent me on a search for more.

Have a wonderful weekend!