Welcome to Sunday.
Cat level relaxation is a good weekend goal.
COVID-19 is starting to hit far too close to home. Not that I have ever doubted the seriousness of the Coronavirus but when the numbers I read about become people I know; it gets real. Honestly this is getting pretty damn scary.
You can’t be too careful. Unfortunately sometimes careful isn’t even enough.
As I sit here it seems like absolute frivolous crap to write about anything else……
But Thanksgiving is coming; and I have always liked Thanksgiving. A delicious meal and all day football…what more could I want?

This year will be a small traditional Thanksgiving dinner. A small roast turkey, au gratin potatoes, dressing, green bean casserole and homemade cranberry sauce.

The grand finale…. Thanksgiving isn’t complete without a pumpkin pie. 🙂
Thanksgiving is also, of course, about being thankful.
Earlier this year I decided to document gratitude in my daily journal. My goal was to list something within my entry I was grateful that day. This was in January before we knew what the year 2020 was going to hurl down upon us. As it turned out this exercise was a good reminder that I have a lot to be grateful for every single day. I am healthy, happily married and employed. I have absolutely everything I need.
What caught my eye this week:
Thanksgiving quotes to find the gratitude we crave this week and always.
Seriously-wear a mask….if you don’t like skyrocketing COVID-19 cases, hospitals filling up and lockdowns. Just do it.
Want a hug? Me too; like from friends I haven’t seen all year.
Positive self talk: It’s hard to be kind to others if you aren’t kind to yourself.
Organized people: Organized keeps me sane; at least somewhat.
Winter Fitness Tips from one of my favorite fitness people! Chris is from Minnesota so she knows winter.
Alone time Because sometimes you need it.
Finally, all you need to know about canned cranberry sauce. I actually like both canned and homemade cranberry sauce. I am particularly fond of my apple cranberry sauce.

Have a lovely Sunday.