Happy Weekend! Got pumpkins??

Sunrise looking out my family room window.

The Birch tree in my front yard.
Fall is glorious!
Autumn sunrises. Gorgeous trees. Pumpkins and apples. A reprieve from the mosquitoes. Hoodies and leggings. Halloween. Scary movies. Hot chocolate and Halloween candy!
There is a lot to like about fall in Minnesota. We all like to talk about the weather in Minnesota; probably because our weather is constantly changing.
Then comes winter……
The conversation every fall regarding weather has a common theme. As much as most of us do like fall the majority are in agreement we dread winter. I’m finding a particular dread this year with the pandemic in full force. Winter means inside and in close quarters and that doesn’t mesh well with social distancing.
100 things to look forward to this fall & winter I am plan to keep this article in my reading list and refer back.
But we still have football and pizza.
On the subject of fall/winter happenings that excite me; the NFL is plugging along despite the challenges of COVID. My Vikings, at least so far, are not having the season I would have hoped for.
But I love my Vikings and love football and football season means homemade pizza!

This was my pizza last Sunday pre-oven. As I mentioned in this post Husband and I do our own personal pizzas. Mine is whole wheat crust and tons of veggies. Delish!
What caught my eye this week:
Voter Excitement: Reports of heavy early voting turnouts; long lines and 6-10 hour waits. People are motivated to make their voice heard.
Health is so much more than your weight.
Dishwasher tips: We got a new Bosch dishwasher this summer and I absolutely love it. Whisper quiet and the door pops open when the cycle is done to allow air drying. Genius!
Spooky Documentaries: Real is scarier than fiction.

Have a wonderful weekend.